Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Possessing your Purpose

Joshua 18:3(msg), "Joshua addressed the People of Israel: "How long are you going to sit around on your hands, putting off taking possession of the land that God, the God of your ancestors, has given you?"

This morning, I awoke at 2am, not because of stress or concern, but one of those times that God calls us to pray.  As I prayed, I found myself asking God to help me with my business.  I want to really move into every ministry and business opportunity God has designed for me.  I quickly turned my Bible to Joshua 18:3, where the words jumped out.  I couldn't believe what was in front of me.  Was I holding back from possessing the very thing, I've been asking for.  I'm sure that I'm actively seeking God and moving as he opens doors, but had I really done all that I could do to be successful and take what God had promised. 

I love Joshua!  I have been intrigued by him since I could read the Bible for myself. Over the years and through study, I have been able to see how significant his role was in the lives of those he led and those that would follow after his generation.  I like to believe I'm a lot like Joshua.  I can see things much differently than most people.  I see challenging situations in a more positive light than most, and recognize the opportunity in each challenge.  This allows me to see the "promise" instead of the pain.  The example in Joshua of this is when Moses sent out the men to spy on the promised land.  Joshua and Caleb saw the promise when the others saw the challenge which brought defeat before they ever engaged in battle.  Joshua and Caleb went back seeing the land that produced a bountiful harvest, greater than they'd ever seen.  The land flowing with milk and honey.  The promise God gave to them.  They weren't distracted like the others.

I believe that as we grow older, we have a tendency to not take as many risks.  Is this what had happened to me.  Was I paralyzed by fear, like the other spies or can I see the promise of God amongst the giants in the land.  If I see the promise am I willing to go full speed ahead to possess it?  My husband told me one time that the lion is not the fastest animal in the kingdom, in fact the reality is the prey could get away if they weren't paralyzed by their fear.  When a lion roars it is to put fear in the heart of the prey, because they fear they are soon captured by the lion.  All the while, if they had been focused they could have out run the lion.  I see situations in our lives that paralyze us just like the lion.  A challenge is a roar that will cause a person to loose focus and stop them from moving into the place of safety, security, and promise.  When you read the encounter of the Israelites in the wilderness that is exactly what happened.  They were paralyzed by what they saw and believed to be true, instead of possessing what God had already promised.  The question I asked myself this morning was, "are you gong to be paralyzed or possess the promise?"  It is really my choice, just like the Israelites, God had already promised them the land.  His desire was to give it all to them.  However they chose to be paralyzed and never made it to the promise.  Only those that SAW the promise RECEIVED IT. 

So I find it interesting that I have found myself in a place of promise, yet have not taken the necessary steps to possess the land.  God has promised me that everything I put my hand to will prosper, and ever where my foot is placed will be for Kingdom Purpose, why am I sitting not working my business or ministry the way I should.  Everything that we need or want, he has already provided to us, we have to use our resources and MOVE!  How can I discuss business opportunities with others when I'm being paralyzed and not moving into purpose.  I can not lead if I'm not moving, so today is moving day! 

I want to encourage all of you, along with myself,  to reach for the stars.  You can accomplish more than you expect.  Build your business, build your ministry, build yourself, it doesn't matter what you're building just DO IT!  As I put God first, then my family, and my career, I will see God move in ways I never imagined.  GOD I TRUST YOU!  I will do my part.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Just Me....

Beauty is not merely what you see when you look into the mirror, but it is the essence of what radiates from the inside out.  - Hollie Whaley

As I prepare to start this blog I'm not even sure where to begin.  I feel like I have a lot of thoughts that I want to put in writing simply for me.  Maybe just maybe, they can help someone else.  Most of the time, I have very random fleeting thoughts that I quickly dismiss yet they prove to be heaven sent.  Some times they are to prepare me for something that is about to happen or to encourage someone else that I may bump into throughout the day.  I begin to think about these thoughts, and wanted to start collecting them in a more organized manner, so I plan on putting them here.  So I apologize in advance, they may be really clever, or just plain dumb, but I hope they will make you laugh, love, and live life to its fullest potential. 

Let me just start with a little background.  I'm a born again believer, that believes in a relationship with Jesus Christ.  I know that without Him in my life I would be nothing.  He breathes life into me daily which allows me to understand the true concept of Beauty Inside Out!  As I decided to sell Mary Kay products, I had to laugh at the thought, since I wasn't typically a woman that wore a lot of make up.  I also, thought it was comical because I've never been a big fan of women.  Don't shut this down or think ill of me, let me explain.  As women, we have a tendency to talk to much, listen to little, judge a lot, and just plain HATE on one another.  The competition between women is unbelievable and unhealthy in so many ways.  Just look at the wonderful (in my sarcastic voice) reality shows that we have depicting the lives of house wives. For all of the above reasons, along with my own life experiences, selling beauty products to women seemed out of my element. 

I was not a salesperson by any stretch although my corporate background has been relationship management so I have developed a keen sense to build and sustain relationships.  So those skills would be used to enhance my new business.  With this new endeavor I have learned so much about women.  One thing is that we are all similar.  We all have a passion, purpose, and have had unfortunate circumstances that have molded us into who we are today.  It has also provided me with a platform to reach out to women to teach them that their TRUE beauty isn't what they see in the mirror but what they have inside.  Hence how I came up with my theme, "Beauty Inside Out".  Since God gave this to me, it has been a journey and he has proven over and over the importance of establishing this thought process in the lives of women around the world. 

So I hope that you decide to read and take this journey with me.  I guarantee what you might find, but my prayer is that you realize that there is more to life, than what you currently have, and that though there is a simply divine face looking back at you, your real beauty comes from deep inside!!!